FAST Channels Industry Profile | Jonitha Keymoore, FilmRise

FilmRise’s Jonitha Keymoore Talks Monetization & Canadian Content

An early entrant in the AVOD and FAST space, FilmRise is helping to monetize content across the ad-supported landscape. In particular, it has its eye on the opportunities for content from Canada. Jonitha Keymoore, head of content for FilmRise, talks to World Screen Weekly about

working with Canadian IP-holders to ensure wide distribution and how its monetization strategy differs from other streaming platforms.

By Kristin Brzoznowski, World Screen Weekly | Fri 31 May 2024

***Image***WS: How can FilmRise monetize content from Canadian producers, content creators and IP holders through AVOD and FAST?
KEYMOORE: We are proud of the vast network of platform partnerships we have nurtured over the past 12 years. FilmRise was an early entrant in the AVOD and FAST space, and over the years, we have built a reputation as providers of content with a track record of success. Combining this with our in-house sales and operations teams, we can ensure rapid, ubiquitous, well-placed distribution across the digital ecosystem.

WS: How does this strategy for monetization differ from other streaming platforms?
KEYMOORE: While we ensure the development of comprehensive windowing strategies to optimize the monetization of our titles, we don’t lock them into walled gardens for the majority of the term. We have found that having content distributed widely, especially in the AVOD/FAST space, does not dilute revenue potential since most users do not engage with as many AVOD/FAST platforms as they might with SVOD platforms. Therefore, having the content available widely raises its visibility and grows viewership and, subsequently, monetization.

WS: What makes the Canadian content segment stand out in the global market? And why is FilmRise a perfect partner for it?
KEYMOORE: Canadian producers have a long-standing history of creating high-quality content with compelling storylines. While there is a strong audience demand for them in the U.S. as well as other markets—especially in the U.S. market—major Canadian IP that comes into the market is often restricted to a single service (often behind a paywall) and therefore not widely available. It’s unfortunate, since there is a sizable, untapped market share that Canadian producers aren’t seeing an upside from.

FilmRise has already begun establishing a reputation with Canadian IP-holders as partners who can help ensure wide distribution and unlock full monetization potential.

This interview continues here.

Have a press release you want to submit? Please e-mail Kristin Brzoznowski and Mansha Daswani at World Screen Weekly.

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